Lingerie Shop Business Plan

Lingerie Shop Business Plan

Clare de lune is a boutique offering high-quality, European-inspired lingerie. They offer a wide range of styles and sizes. The store, which will cover 1,300 square feet, will be in Hawthorne Plaza, a reputable retail center in Southern Johnson County, Kansas. This area has high traffic counts and attracts qualified traffic from compatible retailers.


Kansas City has fewer outlets than similar-sized markets for intimate apparel. There are mass merchandisers, discount stores and department stores offering lower quality brands. Department stores offer better brands in smaller sizes with limited customer service. Victoria&#8217’s Secret stores offer products that are inconsistent in quality and store staff who are not trained. There aren’t any lingerie boutiques in the area of South Johnson County, Kansas or South Kansas City, Missouri.

Potential Market:

This business plan based on lingerie spending patterns identifies three key target audiences. Sections 4.1, 4.2 identify these groups. The following are the target groups:

  1. Women 25-59 who have a household of $75K+
  2. Women between 18-24
  3. Brides

clair de lune wants to target the Intimate Aparel Enthusiast, which is a common psychographic characteristic among all three groups. An IAE describes a woman who is so passionate about her lingerie that she will shop at a specialty boutique and not purchase her lingerie at Wal-Mart.

Within a radius radius of five miles of our store, there are many potential customers that fit these criteria. This attracts Hawthorne Plaza buyers for impulse purchases and a fifteen-mile radius for destination traffic. (See section 4.1).

Unique Selling Proposition:

One column in ‘#8220’ Dear Abby referred to a bra shopper who was desperate for a bra. She complained that if a woman is a 32-A, and doesn&#8217t really need a bra, she can have her choice of black, beige navy, shocking pink and yellow, as well plaids, leopard prints, polka dots, and white. A woman who is a 42D (or more) and wears a bra almost every day has the option of white or polka dots.

claire de lune can solve this woman’s problem by providing a wide variety of styles and sizes she won’t find anywhere else in Kansas City. clair lune offers a range of lingerie from moderately priced to high-end. They are well-known for their superior workmanship, quality silks and hand-finished laces. By educating the Victoria&#8217’s Secret shopper on the superior quality, durability, construction, and fit of the product, we will be able up-sell them to a better quality product. Sections 3.1-5.1 provide a detailed description of Claire de lune’s product offerings.

clair de lune’s highly trained personnel will get to know each customer’s individual needs, and will offer personal bra fitting and other special services, as described in more detail in Section 5.1.

Vision and Leadership –

Terry Levine (sole owner) has over 20 years of advertising and marketing experience. This experience will be a huge asset to the analysis of customer potential and implementation of a strong plan. She is an experienced media strategist with a strong grasp of numbers. She will also use her negotiation skills and relationships building skills with vendors. She has extensive experience controlling costs for other businesses, with a natural penchant for watching the bottom line.

Terry will be guided in her inventory management decisions by one of the most successful independent intimate apparel retailers in the U.S. Susan Nethero, owner of Intimacy in Atlanta, an award winning lingerie store with over $5 million in sales, will serve as a consultant for start-up inventory, inventory management and other operational issues. She is an icon in her industry, and she is recognized by both customers and vendors alike.

Financial Projections:

Clar de lune is expecting to generate $439,000. It also has ambitious growth projections of 15% and 17% for the second and third years. These are fueled by aggressive marketing and expanded product lines.

The store is expected be profitable in the second-year of operation.

1.1 Objectives

  1. The goal is to create a shopping atmosphere where men (and women) can feel at ease, pampered, and stimulated by the large selection of options that are available.
  2. To use superior customer service for positive word of mouth referrals, repeat sales and other opportunities
    • To give each customer individual attention.
    • To have 50% return customers within six (6) months after their first purchase.
  3. To be in the consideration set for all planned Intimate Apparel Enthusiast (IAE) purchases in southern Kansas City and Johnson County by end of year two.
  4. To make Clar de lune by the end year one the top destination for bridal lingerie.
  5. To achieve a first-year gross sales of $425,000
  6. To grow the business by 15% in year two.

1.2 Mission

claire is a specialty lingerie store that sells labels, styles, sizes and other items that aren’t currently available in Kansas City.

Our mission is to give the discriminating lingerie shopper what she is looking for, whether it be fit, comfort or style, in an atmosphere that is comfortable, exciting and satisfying.

We are trying to establish a relationship with the Intimate Apparel Enthusiasts (IAE), which evokes the feeling that Claire de lune « my lingerie shop. »

1.3 Keys To Success

  1. High quality products and cutting-edge designs are available at our Kansas City location.
  2. A great location for a store that attracts customers and caters to the right demographics. It also includes compatible stores (e.g. bridal, women’s apparel), and is in an easily accessible, known destination.
  3. Understanding Clar de lune’s target customers will help ensure the best product mix to meet their needs.
  4. Offering a range of sizes (especially larger sizes to accommodate the needs for the growing plus size market).
  5. You can influence repeat business by providing superior customer service.
  6. Continuously monitor your inventory levels, and adjust as required.
  7. Help customers to understand and recommend the proper fit and the quality/value ratio of higher priced brands (likely European).
  8. Offer a variety in price points so customers don’t feel intimidated by the more expensive offerings.
  9. In-store and window displays are changed frequently to increase impulse purchase, creating the illusion that there is always something new at Claire de lune.

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