Agricultural Consultants Business Plan

Agricultural Consultants Business Plan

O&#8217 Connor & Partners LLC is available to consult companies that are interested in producing chemicals and energy from annual renewable feedstocks. We will work with our clients to maximize the value of all components of biomass. Two of the most important components in all forms of biomass include cellulose and hemocellulose. They are long chains containing simple sugars.

Many of the chemicals we use today were originally made from sugar. Many of these niche chemicals have small markets and are difficult to enter. These commodities are made from commodities whose manufacturing cost can be optimized using the economies of scale in traditional global refineries. It is vital to start with much lower feedstock costs to ensure that you can compete in today’s global market. Under-utilized lignocellulosic biomass feeds have the potential to be much cheaper than petroleum, on a carbon basis. Biomass can contain the same sugars that have been proven effective.

There are many products that can only be effectively made from biomass sugars. Industrial biotechnology has produced fermentation organisms with high selectivities that can be used to make specific products. These organisms often favor one racemic stereoisomer more than another. This is critical in the manufacture of pharmaceutical compounds. To mimic these feats of biochemistry, traditional feedstocks and processes would be much more expensive, if they were even possible at all. Polylactide polymers, made from fermenting corn sugars by Cargill Dow LLC, are an excellent example of industrial technology. Industrial biotech has been coined by industry observers as the “third wave of biotechnology.”

O&#8217 Connor & Partners LLC recognizes the need for technical excellence that is grounded in economic reality in new ventures within bio-refining. We will serve as management consultants for those companies and individuals who intend to drive the bio-industrial revolution. The expected customer base includes emerging industrial-biotechnology firms, large existing chemical companies and utilities, and agricultural operations. Our clients will achieve industrial at a cost-effective and/or quicker rate than they can do by themselves, with the assurance of high-quality, professional services. With our help, our clients can also realize sustainability by considering the triple bottom line -#8211’s economic, social, and environmental responsibilities in all of their business activities.

The market potential is huge. Experts estimate that bio-refining could grow to a market of between $280 billion and $500 billion per year by 2013.

O&#8217 Connor & Partners LLC opens in Minneapolis (Minnesota), starting with Ryan O&#8217 Connor, the founder partner and one associate (to come). One secretary will also be hired. Figure 1 shows the forecasts for sales, gross margin and net profit over the three-year period. Start with an outside investment. The plan projects a modest loss over the three-year period as well as a healthy networth at the end. This point should allow the firm to either hire more consultants or buy out a larger consultancy.

1.1 Mission

O&#8217 Connor & Partners will become the most prominent US bio-refining consulting agency. This firm provides expertise in technical and economic analysis for integrated bio-refining activities and projects. We will offer this service while respecting our economic, environmental, and social responsibilities for our clients and our industry.

1.2 Objectives

We seek to establish the industry standard for technical and business excellence in the pursuit of visionary bio-refining platforms, according to customer-satisfaction and industry surveys. These elements are essential to achieve this goal:

  • Unique consulting services that are clearly proven.
  • Ability to manage confidentiality and intellectual-property issues among competitors.
  • Professional relevance (stated-of-the art awareness) as well as knowledge growth in a rapidly expanding industry.
  • Demonstrating concern and concern for clients’ well-being leads to repeat business, as well as a good reputation.
  • Retention for our own employees as well as partners

1.3 Keys To Success

  • All aspects of consulting are performed with professionalism
  • Ability to manage confidentiality and intellectual-property issues among competitors

  • Professional relevance (state-of-the-art awareness) and knowledge growth in rapidly expanding industry
  • Retention of current clients (repeat client)
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